Saturday, April 25, 2020

Backyard Camper Getaway

We needed to feel like we were getting out of the house so today we spent part of a day in the camper. We had a good time having lunch and playing games. Hopefully we can actually take it somewhere soon. I don't think I've been out of the neighborhood (besides the grocery store) in months.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Fancy Wednesday...Curtis Birthday week

Since Curtis is working week on/week off Zoey and I decided to make the whole week special for his birthday and do something fun everyday. The fancy day was Zoey's idea and not sure Curtis enjoyed it but he was a good sport. We are having fun spoiling him :) Happy Birthday Curtis!

Friday, April 17, 2020

Fun week off with my girl!

This week was Spring Break for Zoey's school and they still honored it so I decided to take the week of and we a mommy/daughter week! We had a blast doing all sorts of things together like picnics, organizing, baking, walks, bike rides and movies. I just love hanging out with my little girl....well not so little anymore. lol

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

This year we had Easter at home and did a Zoom call with Curtis's family instead. I'm missing our traditions so much but thankful that the weather is at least gorgeous. Easter just didn't feel like Easter this year...I'm sad :(

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Happy Birthday Lily

The whole family did a car drive-by for Lily's birthday to sing her Happy Birthday and to tell her our favorite things about her. So sad we can't have a party for her but this is the next best thing! Covid-19 is ruining everything :( but we are all trying to make the best of things. Happy Birthday Lily we love you so much!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

New wall!!! :)

For months now I've been trying to decide what to paint in our hallway. Sooooo, this is what I ended up with and I LOVE it :) It's very bold but that is me and now I smile when I go down my hallway everyday! Now I need to paint my office....hhhmmm, what to do in there?!?!?!?

Family Zoom

On Sunday's my family has been doing Zoom calls to talk about our best and worst moments of the week and it has been so healing for me during this time. I've had a hard time with my anxiety and this has been helping. It's also so good to see everyone's face and chat. I miss getting hugs from all of them! Love my family so much 💖